Image taken from: http://www.lovelyish.com/732947267/fail-or-win-coco-models-a-dress-with-butt-cleavage/

Image taken from: http://www.thefashionpolice.net/2007/11/heidi-klum-pic.html
Recently spotted on Ice T's wife Coco on the Sachika Twins Spring 2011 Fashion Show In New York, this new trend just might give light to the term 'New Moon'. As if we were tired of seeing people bending over to pick up that quarter of the ground only to see their underwear line steep under forbidden territory, (you know you liked it) & chances are if they had the "ASSETS" to "BACK it UP", you wouldn't mind the free glimpse. Now, let's remember with every trend comes it suggestions, you should probably make your working those "gluteus maximus" on the regular, aka squats, leg raises, the whole enchilada. Forget the rack, time to make way for ladies with BACK. I say, if you got it, flaunt it.