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Monday, November 8, 2010


Carsten Witte s
Image taken from Bracelet Bras articule, Copyright 2010 Trend Hunter Inc.

Jeweled Foliage Bras
Image taken from Jeweled Foilage Bras article, Copyright 2010 Trend Hunter Inc.

Okay so we've seen strapless, backless, cutlets etc. ,but I'm sure you've never seen bras that can do all three? These bedazzlin' foliage bras are a statement all on their own, paired with a matchin' chiffon skirt or deluxe trouser combo & you got your a couture inspired look my friend. Hey, it might not be the most practical things to hold up "the twins" but they certainly are a sure fire way to extenuate your chest, " Ahhhh, a little help here, how to you keep these things on???"