Wednesday, July 27, 2011


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So I’m sure you’ve heard? No? Well just in case you didn’t, the word on the street is the RAT TAIL is coming back ( no, no, not the real life animal ones, nor do I condone animal cruelty). I know, I know, your thinking of strictly hilly sorts rocking this hair do riding tractors in the outback and what not but let’s forecast a little. The mullet hairstyle is already making a swift coming back and so is the ever popular braid. Now imagine the two coming together: starting off with the current mullet trend then slightly slimming down to a tamer variation: the squirrel tail; shave off the sides to reveal a single lock of hair then VIOLA: THE RAT TAIL, definitely revolutionary if I do say so myself. If you’re the brave sort, shaving the surrounding area of the braid would make your tail more obvious but if you’re more of the quiet sort, pinning up surrounding areas would give you the same effect. Try spicing up your look with some colourful threads, hair weave, bold beads and whimsical feathers. Ahh, yes. the tail shall leave its TRAIL wherever you shall go ( not literally of course, GUYS?! LOL[:ppp]!!! ).